We want your vehicle! Get the best value for your trade-in!

Find your next car at Blvd Auto Center in Philadelphia, PA

Auto Sales
  • Mon - Sat: 9 AM - 8 PM
  • Sunday by appointment
Auto Repair And Inspection
  • 6 Days A Week: 9 AM - 6 PM
  • Closed Sunday
    Please call and make an appointment today

At Blvd Auto Center we buy, trade and sell all vehicle types. You will find a large vehicle inventory including cars, SUVs, trucks, and vans at affordable, unbeatable prices. All vehicles go through our 16 point safety checks. At our location you can test drive, buy, transfer ownership, register, and insure your new vehicle. We offer easy payment plans on select vehicles. Find a vehicle to meet your needs at a price that makes you happy.


At Blvd Auto Center we provide comprehensive auto repair and inspections at affordable rates ($75 per hour labor plus parts) by our professional and detail-oriented mechanics. Inspections for both safety and emission are only $60 (stickers are additional). We are conveniently located on Roosevelt Boulevard between Comly and Woodhaven Roads. Come wait in our tempreture controlled comfortable office while we take car of all your automotive repairs.

Auto Sales

Auto Repair And Inspection


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Blvd Auto Center

About Us

Welcome to Blvd Auto Center, located in Philadelphia, PA, where quality service and customer satisfaction come first. We are here to help you find a vehicle that fits your lifestyle from our wide selection of used cars, trucks, and SUVs. We pride ourselves on a hassle-free car buying experience where your needs come first. Swing by to let us exceed your expectations while finding the perfect vehicle!

Looking for a
used vehicle?

We can help find the right vehicle for you!

Contact Us Search
Blvd Auto Center

12003 Roosevelt Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19154

(267) 662-2025

Blvd Auto Center
(Mechanic Shop)

2181 Bennett Rd
Philadelphia, PA 19116

(267) 388-8903